Friday, January 4, 2008

Lose Weight the Healthy, Lasting Way


(Below is a very interesting article i found in Yahoo! Health column. It was written by a prominent dietitian from Johns Hopkins University, USA. Enjoy...)

The New Year can always be marked by the huge spike in gym memberships and diet programs after the holidays.

For many people, this time of year is a time for change, and often people want to change how they look and feel by losing weight. If this sounds like you, then now's the time to get clear on exactly how a person goes about losing weight so you don't find yourself making the same resolution year after year.

While there are many aspects of diet that you can focus on when trying to lose weight - you can keep track of fat, fiber, protein, or carbohydrates, for example - the key is always about whether you're eating and drinking fewer calories than you are burning.

To lose about one pound per week, you'll need to eat about 500 fewer calories per day from your current daily intake. Weight loss of one to two pounds each week is considered healthy weight loss, meaning that you are losing more fat than muscle.

Start by looking at how many calories you are presently consuming. Use the food labels on products to give you an idea, not forgetting to first read the serving size at the top of the food label. (Many times, we eat what is in the entire package and that may actually be eating three servings, and thus tripling the total calories.) When you grocery shop, compare the labels on similar products and choose the one with the fewest calories.

Become a food label reader and start your weight-loss campaign by reducing the calories you consume. If you are cooking at home, many recipes now have the nutrition facts included. The key is still the serving size.

Even though calories are still calories, a healthy diet needs to come first. Don't plan to cut calories from fruits, vegetables and whole grains, try cutting calories from snack foods, sweets, fast foods, condiments, or drinks.

Of course, I've said nothing about the importance of exercise in losing and keeping off the weight. That deserves its own entry.

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