Today is Saturday, 27 Ramadhan/27 Sept 2008. 4 more days to complete the fasting month of Ramadhan and 4 more days to celebrate 'Idulfitri. Yet, the feeling all around is already in a celebration mood, don't you think? My house, for example, has already gotten empty. 3 of my housemates already off to their hometown on Thursday. I will go back tomorrow (Sunday) and so will the other two.
So far, i've restrained myself from saying anything -any word- about Raya. That's the rule i strictly put upon myself. I said to myself, it's Ramadhan that matters the most. Not Raya. Finding LailatulQadar is the target, not Raya! After all, there must be reasons Allah made Ramadhan, 30 days of 'wajib puasa', followed by only 1 day of 'haram puasa' to celebrate (30 : 1 in value and importance?) Well, that's what i reasoned with myself.
However, i also realized one thing. If we have tried our best -real effort- in this holy month, then we have every reason to celebrate Raya with all the happiness we can muster. Because, we truly deserved it.
So, to all the readers, in the spirit of upcoming 1 Syawal, i wish you Happy 'Idulfitri. May you find joy alongside your families and your loved ones. Take care of yourselves and don't forget to pray so we can still meet the next Ramadhan.
May Allah bless us and accepts all of our ibadah...
However, i also realized one thing. If we have tried our best -real effort- in this holy month, then we have every reason to celebrate Raya with all the happiness we can muster. Because, we truly deserved it.
So, to all the readers, in the spirit of upcoming 1 Syawal, i wish you Happy 'Idulfitri. May you find joy alongside your families and your loved ones. Take care of yourselves and don't forget to pray so we can still meet the next Ramadhan.
May Allah bless us and accepts all of our ibadah...
Type rest of the post here
1 comment:
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I be struck by recently bought a acquainted with laptop that is old. The mortal physically I had bought it from had installed windows xp on it, orderly though it from the word go came with windows Me. I fall short of to eradicate the windows xp because it runs slows on the laptop because it takes up more tribute than the windows Me would. Also I need to remove windows xp because it is an proscribed copy. So when I tried to stir one's stumps updates on it, windows would not initiate updates because the windows xp is not genuine. [URL=http://biiyaui.hostific.com]aig frenkel[/URL]
Answers :
It's best to take one's leave of [URL=http://yfyawde.hostific.com/nominalist-fallacy.html]nominalist fallacy[/URL] Windows XP and impartial upgrade your laptop. It's much better. [URL=http://hzpodpl.hostific.com/jordan-jovtchev.html]jordan jovtchev[/URL] Except for, Windows XP is scheme [URL=http://fhmesoa.hostific.com/john-j-pence-and-marina-roundtree.html]john j pence and marina roundtree[/URL] heartier then Windows Me. Windows Me is unused and many programs that can paddock with XP, can't [URL=http://zanqmez.hostific.com/mitigation-strategies-for-indonesia.html]mitigation strategies for indonesia[/URL] look over with Me.
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