Friday, May 16, 2008

The Black 14th Mei 1948...


Today, during khutbah Jumaat i learned something new. While every school in Malaysia celebrates 'Teacher's Day' today, which is also coincides with my eldest sister's birthday (Happy Birthday Along!), i just learned, there was another celebration, evil and sad celebration, recently for another anniversary, but from the other side of the world.

2 days ago, (14 Mei) Israel celebrated her 60th anniversary of Independence from British Mandate of Palestine!!

For us Muslims, Israel is a very sensitive issue. it was a never-ending stories of war, crimes, struggles, destructions, and most importantly, religions.
As Muslims, we believe, there shouldn't be an Israel Country!

At first, The
Holy Land - including Jerusalem (Baitul Maqdis) - had been given to them.

But they insulted Allah The Almighty by saying:
"O Moses! We will never enter (The Holy Land) while they (ferocious people) are in it. So go thou (you) and thy (your) Lord and fight! We will sit here" (Al-Maidah : 24)

That, my friend, is only the beginning of a very long and dark history of Israel. After that, as Allah told them in Al-Quran, (Surah Al-Isra' : 4-7), they would enter The Holy Land twice, only to be exterminated twice by their enemies...

Our Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam), have told us that the help of Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) is at hand and that the Holy Land will be liberated,
and that Islam will re-emerge as the Ruling State in the world.

In another word, the sign of the re-emergence of Islam is so closely related by the lib
eration of Palestine and Baitul Maqdis. The struggles and sufferings of our brothers and sisters there, are not simply because they denounce and despise Israel with all their being! But also because they believe by toppling the Zionist, it will mark the new era of Islam as the Ruling Religion in this world...

Let us pray with all our heart that the jihad will continue and eventually prevail in the H
oly Land.

We always heard people said, we Malaysians are very fortunate because we live in peace and harmony where there are no wars, starvation and sufferings like our brothers and sisters in Palestine now who have to fight tooth and nails just to live and defend their honour.

But for one second, let's think. Put aside all the prosperities and happiness we have now; who are the more fortunate?
Our brothers and sisters in Palestine, at least will face Allah in the Akhirat and claimed that they fight with their life to defend Islam and the Muslims. They died because of their faith and they died while they are in Jihad, knowing that Allah the Supreme will reward them lavishly in Akhirat, the eternal world...

How about us...?! Any idea?!

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