Saturday, May 26, 2007

First of...


Recently, for the first time in my life, i actually bought a copy of 'buku agama'
Okay... while that may not be a big deal for many, (my big brother, and my friends around me, for example) it was really a big deal for me...
Because inside my heart, i know it was the first step towards what is the most important aspect in my life... in our life...
First step towards changing my life for the better,
And to prepare for the ultimate after-life world that waiting for me and for all of us.

In all my life, I've read hundreds of books (or novels) of multiple genre. Be it thriller, fantasy, romance, psychological, motivational or business... to name just a few; i can proudly said, (or not) i've covered all that.

But, throughout all these years, only now i realized, of all the book i was so deeply enjoyed and so immersed in, none of them is a religious one!
That being said, my conscious also reminds me of the hundreds of ringgit (if not thousands already), i spent for those books; once again, not a penny of it, for 'buku agama!'

Well... that's me... (sighing heavily)

But now, i know some things are changing...
Because as i looked at the cover of my new book, i can't help but to feel relieved and joy at the same time...
Looking at the bookmark that placed at the middle of the book (indicating my reading so far), i know, i'm going towards something i never achieved before.
Finishing that book! My first ever 'buku agama'!

Am i... changing?!!
I certainly hope the answer is... yes, i am.
And i certainly hope Allah will hold and strengthen my heart in this ever-important-and-lifetime-quest - that is, to get closer to Him!

People said, there's always a first time for everything, and as a rookie in this kind of quest, i was totally agreed. Because like every other rookie, the excitement is high and the urge to share with the others also is very... very high.

That's why, i've decided to share what little knowledge i get from the book with the others... starting from now.
Also, apart from the original purpose to share, I also kinda hope to refresh my memory and understanding as much as i can muster.
Moreover, the best way to learn is to share, right?!
May Allah forgive me for any mistake from my part in this little effort and blessed us all...

As a starter, here i give you the title of the book and an excerpt from the publisher.

Title: 'Azhamah (Keagungan Allah)

Author: Dr 'Aidh B Abdullah Al-Qarni

Publisher's Note: (Please read slowly and repeat it inside your heart)

Saat yang paling dekat antara dirimu dengan Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, iaitu apabila engkau sedang bersujud kepadaNya...
Dan saat yang paling berbahagia adalah ketika engkau ikhlas kepadaNya...
Saat yang paling lapang bagimu adalah ketika engkau berzikir kepadaNya...
Dan saat di mana engkau paling berharap kepadaNya adalah ketika engkau berdoa kepadaNya...

That's all for now, please wait for my next posting...
Thank You.

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