Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Greatest News in the Whole Wide World...!!!


Alhamdulillah... all praise to Allah The Almighty... Finally i've got the news that i've been waiting for 5 months now!

My beautiful wife; the woman that is my soul mate and the love of my life, is PREGNANT!

No words can be said to describe this feeling inside me right now... as if this is the moment that i've been anticipating my entire life! 

The tears that flowing freely right after the news is the epitome of my entire being at the time as joy, relieved, gratitude and so many other unidentified feelings washed over my inner side, as this words echoed loudly and melodiously inside my head, 


Oh, i'll remember what happened last Saturday until the end of  my time. For that is the day, that will change our life forever. Until now, i still have teary eyes everytime i talked or even think about this very tiny little being, growing rapidly inside my wife and will be born to this world as our child...


In this opportunity, i wanna thank everyone that prays for us... May Allah bless us all!

And of course to my beloved wife, Zue:

Thank you sooooo much Honey! You just make me the happiest man in this world! Just when i thought i couldn't love you any more than a normal person could; this love inside me, just growing even more and more by the passing days. And i know now, that there won't be any limits for this love for you and our coming baby!

Praise Allah with all our heart, all the time, Darling; for He just granted us our dearest wish to have a baby. We need Him more than ever now, so much more than we need air to breath and water to drink. This first trimester will be extremely hard for you because you have to be careful with your movement and everything, but don't worry, Allah will be with us, caring us, loving us and blessing us the way only He can do...

And me... i promise that i will always be there for you, My Love. To look after you and our baby, to be the best husband and father for both you and our child respectively. Count on me, Sweetheart. This growing love inside me has no stop sign to it, and together, let it be the strongest fundamental of our young family...!

Alhamdulillah... Alhamdulillah... Alhamdulillah...

AidanZ (18th May 2010)


mhafizmn said...

congrates sahabat.. jaga 'sweetheart' ko baik2.. byk rehat, jgn buat kerja berat2.. jgn lupa ambik folic acid..

Aidan Z said...

Thanks Mate!

Zaimun Yahyah said...

Alhamdulillah.. Finally... :)
Soon u'll be a DADDY.. yeaayy...!!
Jaga ur wife baik2 tau. this 1st trimester mmg byk dugaan n cabaran. Byk2 baca surah Maryam, Yusuf n Yaasin. Insyaallah u'll be protected. Congratulation to both of u..!!! :D

amirmukhtar said...


AzlanSajirah said...

Wah, wah.. Dah nak jadi ayah!
Tahniah! Nanti Ummair dapat sepupu baru lah.. Hehe..


tahniah...papa rock!

Ariffuddin Sani said...

Tahniah, semoga orang baru itu akan menjadi anak yang soleh dan bertakwa, insyallah.

Anonymous said...

zahar, happy to hear this good new, anyway, happy also to hear u 're becoming a good writer....