Sunday, January 18, 2009



After 22 days and more than 1150 Palestinians lives later, finally Israel agreed to a unilateral cease-fire against Gazans and Hamas.

Sadly however, the Zionist will stay in the Palestinian territories, amidst warning from Hamas to keep fighting until they leave.

I would love to stay optimist and think that at least no more Palestinians will die from the Zionist offensive actions.

But... this is Israel we're talking about!! They are the most despicable human being that lived on earth. They are bloodsucker and children-killer! Which is only a few from a long list of crime they already committed!

This is the time the Arabs and Muslims all around the world to unite and do something before this very fragile truce between Israel and Hamas will be under threat, and the Zionist starts killing again...!!! NOW is the time!

World leaders, Arab leaders, Malaysian leaders, and each one of us, individually; we have to keep the awareness of this issue at full height at all time!

It is the high time we do not repeat our past mistake and our 'hangat-hangat tahi ayam' attitude!

Right now, the sentiment of support-Palestine and hate-Israel, is so high. If we really want to achieve something, there's no better time for it!!
Don't wait until a week or two weeks later... (Just look at the landslide issues last month, hmmm...) Melayu mudah lupa!

That's why, in this opportunity, i want to urge and beg everyone to keep talking about our Palestinian brothers and sisters...

To all bloggers, please dedicate an entry or two to comment and have a say about this issue! Please, my friends!! Any words and discussions will do. InsyaALLAH, The Almighty will accept that small effort as ibadah...

And please.. please.. make a strong statement against the violence of Israel. Please remind people of what had happened, what is happening, and what will undoubtly happen again!

Keep this issue fresh in the mind of our people. In some way, do what the Israeli did with their children! - that the Palestinians/Muslims are no more than animal, and it is halal to kill them!!!

Also, please.. please proceed with Israel/US-boycott campaign! We do not want to contribute in however slightest in their campaign against Muslims and Palestinians, don't we?!! If that means sacrificing our favourite food or product, so be it! Seriously, it's nothing compared to the agony of the Muslims over there...!

And lastly, please continue to pray for the long-waited of Palestine glory and the annihilation of Israel. This last two weeks, we can listen to Qunut Nazilah everywhere. In the mosques. At home. But just like other things, soon it will fade out... until the next war begins...........

Type rest of the post here

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