Ok, it's officially has been sooo long since i last write in here.
Since Obama's win... i just realized now.
The last couple of weeks has been quite eventful and hectic for me, although i do not blame that as the reason i can't write anything in here. Not in the slightest.
For me if you want to write, you can absolutely write. It's that simple.
Either you do... or you don't.
So, since i just un-block my 'no-writing' mode - at least for today - i want to share about something very light here with you.
I got this yesterday, during a writing workshop near Wangsa Maju. Just so you know, it's not the main lesson. This thing i wanna share is actually from an article that we have to read and then were asked to do it all over again in our own word.
The title of the article: How To Never Need To Wonder, "What Do I Say Next?"
Nice title, isn't it?
In summary, The article discussed about what to do when you're at lost of anything to say in the middle of conversation. Especially, when the person is someone you just met, or a long-lost friend that you still need time to get familiar again. Hmm, on the other hand, maybe you can include anybody that you distaste or even despise, but you know you need to make good impressions on him/her! (Hmm, your boss, maybe? hehe)
So, the author introduced a rather nice word - PARROTING - inspired by parrots that will repeat other people's word.
In the article, he gave a quite hillarious example of him using the paroting tecnique to coverse with his friend. But i'm not gonna copy that down here.
Instead, i realized i also happened to be in the same position this morning with my housemate, in which i used the technique without i realized it.
One advice beforehand, especially if you're known as a 'good listener' among your friends and peers, this technique will help you greatly.
So this morning, as usual, i was sitting in front of my laptop in the living room, and tried very hard to do my writings.
And then one of my housemate came and sat beside me. For the sake of this entry, i will call him B and just so you know, lately he just developed an interest in Music and has actually been searching for Piano class...
The conversation was something like this:
B: Abg Zahar, yesterday i went to One Utama and there are two Music Shops there, selling musical instrumens.
Me: Music Shops?
B: Yup. But i only went to one of the shop because the salesgirl is really cute.
Me: Huh? Cute salesgirl? Hehe.
B: Yes, really! Anyway i asked if there's piano lesson offered there.
Me: Piano lesson... there, in the shop?
B: Aah. She said yes. And she told me the fee is blah...blah...blah... Really expensive.
Me: Expensive? (Then somehow i remembered about his other survey)
Me: Compared to before?
B: Expensive. (He confirmed)
Then things got quite for several seconds. In case you're wondering, i still struggle with my writings at the time, which made me quite annoyed when he continued talking.
B: But if i take the piano lesson, i need to buy a piano, maybe a classic piano. To practice...
Me: Classic piano?
B: Yeah, classic piano. It differed from 'Keyboard' and 'Organ'
Me: Keyboard? Organ?
(Patiently, he explained to me the difference between those three. I've to admit i can't remember a thing of what he told me. In fact, what i remember was me and my friend, Amir, made a joke out of it until my stomach hurt) Then,
Me: Go buylah. (I suggest, rather uninterestedly)
B: Expensive!
(And at that time, somehow the topic shifted away and although i was still required to be in the conversation, i can't recall any of it.)
Later, i was thinking about something, when suddenly i remember about the 'Parroting' technique i read yesterday and the conversation i had this morning.
At the time, i realized... Wow! I've been using this technique for so long without i realized it. I've survived long and boring conversations with this technique, and i am known as 'the best listener' among the lot!!
Hu, then everybody can be a good listener, right?
Just repeat what your friend is saying, stress the last word to indicate that you want explanation or you're asking question, and believe me he/she will gladly comply and do all the talking.
And while you 'listen', you can do other things also, such as, thinking about what you want to eat after that, perhaps?
(Hehe, But please, never, never do this technique to play-play with people's heart ok...!)
Type rest of the post here