These last few days, there were string of event that made me wonder about one very important thing in this life...
First, when my good friend, Hasrul, came from Sarawak for a holiday, we joked around of who will get married first. He told me, back at Sarawak, he was being hammered with the one million dollar question of "when are you going to get married?", almost everyday! I know a little bit about that as I too, was so frequently being asked the same question. Syukur it wasn't in a daily basis..!
Second, last Sunday, i went to my ex-housemate, Apen's walimah. he was 2 years younger than me, and as would've been expected, it prompted the inevitable question to me, "when is my turn?". To Apen, I wish him all the happiness in this world, and 'thanks' because of his 'langkah bendul' made me the target once again...
Third was yesterday. One of my best friend (i decided not to mention his name here...
not yet) called and after a brief chat, he said someting that really caught me off-guard, "Zahar, i'm going to be a father!" It was really a very pleasant news as he has waited for this for 2 years. Finally Allah granted him a child and I feel very very happy for him.
To Iceman, CONGRATULATIONS! And in a more personal note, thanks because you told me i'm the first to know about the news aside from your family. I'm honoured...
Fourth also happened yesterday. i had a tuition at Bandar Sri Damansara when i received the SMS. It said, "Zahar, aku dah jadi bapak. Baby boy, lahir 12.30 pm tadi..". It was from my good old friend, Hafiz from Triang, Pahang. We were always being very closed before, and i was there when his father passed away and when he was getting married last year (wow, seems like yesterday..). Later, i called him and we talk about a lot of things. lastly i said to him, jokingly, "Ha, dah ready ke nak jadi ayah orang ni?". As usual he laughed before he replied, "Entahlah Z. InsyaAllah. Walaupun rasa macam tak percaya je..."
CONGRATULATIONS to you too Hafiz. I'm very happy for you, my friend!
So, that was what happened these last few days. An almost complete circle of event, if you asked me. Everyone will face it, me included. It makes me wonder, just like my friends keep asking me, '
when is my turn?'